Monday, February 4, 2008

Gotta get out of here!

We have had quite a couple of days!

On Friday, we got quite a bit of snow & Kenny didn't have school. We had lots of fun throwing snowballs at each other!

Then on Saturday morning at around 3:30am, Kenny woke up with a fever...he did not feel well at all. We took him to the doctor & found out that he had Strep-Throat...YUCK! We thought he was doing better, but he couldn't manage to keep his fever Mommy & Kenny took one more day off of school on Monday.

By late Monday morning Kenny was going stir crazy...his fever had stayed down on it's we just had to get out of the house!

Remember how I told you we had just had a bunch of snow on Friday...well, by Monday it was 70+ degrees! Welcome to St. Louis:) So we decided to go the zoo for a couple of hours. I've posted a couple of pics below that Kenny took himself at the zoo. Santa brought him a camera for Christmas. He is quite the little photographer. Enjoy!

Polar Bear

Prairie Dogs