Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Drumroll Please!

Our big ultrasound was today. It appears that Kenny was right...IT'S A BOY!! By all the measurements that the tech took, he is completely healthy & growing just like he should. He was not shy at all & was proud to show us that he was a boy:) We have decided on a first name--JOHN--after Christine's father. We still haven't decided on a middle name though. We'd love your input. Please feel free to leave suggestions under comments below. We haven't shared the news with Kenny just yet. We want to tell him together & have to wait until we are all actually at the same place at the same time. We'll probably share the news with him later tonight.

We have offically made it past the half-way mark & can't believe that we will become a family of 5 (can't forget our first born--Sergio) in about 4 months! Thanks again for all of your support & prayers!