Monday, June 16, 2008


Many of you may already know this....but we are finally ready to tell the whole world! WE ARE PREGNANT! It has been a very long road to get here & we could not have done it without many of your prayers. So...down to the facts that everyone will probably want to know...Christine is currently 13.5 weeks pregnant & is due 12/17/08. We shared the news with Kenny a couple weeks ago. He is convinced that it will be a boy & he will have BLUE hair & we will name him Freddy! We have tried telling him that it may be a girl & he just won't hear it. We're giving up on that battle for now. If we end up with a boy, he will be happy. If it's a girl, we'll have to convince him how great it will be to have a sister. We'd love to get your thoughts about the sex of the baby--answer our survey to the left! We don't have a scanner, so I did my best to take a pic of the most recent ultrasound with our camera.

Christine has a lot going on...blood clotting disorder, thyroid problems & even more (way too much to go into here). So, we probably won't feel completely relieved until we are holding our precious little one in our arms. But...the good news is we have made it out of the 1st trimester!