Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy 7th Birthday to Kenny!

Seven years ago today our lives changed forever...we became the proud parents to Kenneth Eugene Poling IV! The past 7 years have been filled with both good & bad. But...we have survived it all and had a blast doing it together as a family.

Our family has had a new addition to it as well. Kenny is a super big brother & I hope he can continue to set a good example for John!

A few weeks ago, Ken & I met with his teacher for Parent/Teacher Conferences. Kenny is a great student & his teacher had so many good things to say about him. She said he loves to learn & seems to catch on to new concepts very quickly. She said he is a super star at math & is reading above his current grade level. She also said that he is quite social...sometimes a bit too social:) She also said he is everyone's friend & she frequently hears positive feedback from other parents in the class.

We are both so proud of him & look forward to his future! Things have gone so fast in the last 7 years with Kenny. The next thing we know it, we'll be sending him off to college!

Our first celebration (of many) of Kenny's birthday was last weekend with his friends from school. We had a Mad Science Party! Here is a picture of the Gooey Eyeball Cupcakes!

We also had Eyeball Beaker cups that we used to drink Green Slime out of!

A Mad Scientist named Dangerous Dan stopped by our house to spend some time with the kids, doing all sorts of fun experiments with them. Here he is showing them how flash-paper works...

And one of him & Kenny having a little race...

He also brought along his static electricity ball...this was a big hit with all the kids!

Then, they made some slime (on the kitchen floor--where it was easiest to clean up!)

Next, it was time to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KENNY!

And, one shot of all the kiddos before they left the party. This was quite a gang! It's so much fun to watch them grow each year together! last picture of John. He is showing off his Mad Scientist glasses...which were one of the fun items in the goody bags:)