Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Zoo!

We were all feeling a little stir crazy last Sunday. So Ken & I decided we needed to get both boys out of the house for some fresh air. One of favorite things to do is visit the zoo...this was John's first trip. The weather forecast showed that it was supposed to warm up into the 50's. I think they were wrong though. It was pretty chilly & breezy the whole time we were there. So, I put John in the baby carrier & zipped up my coat...so all that was sticking out was his little face!

As you can see, he was pretty comfy in there...he slept most of the time we were there.

Here is a close-up of him...nice & cozy!

We all took a round-trip around the zoo on the train.
Here is John having a good time...

And here is Kenny having fun on the train too!

So, we got out of the house & had a good time.It was colder than we expected, but we didn't let that slow us down!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I decided to get out Kenny's baby book tonight...just to see what things we might have to look forward to in the next couple months with John. This is the first time I have looked at Kenny's book since I had John. Up until this point, I thought they looked somewhat similar. But when I looked at Kenny's pictures from his first couple of months, I couldn't believe how similar they actually look. I thought I would share a couple comparisons...

Here is a pic of Kenny (he's the first pic) and then one of John (the other pic). They even look the same when crying!!

Another comparison...
Kenny is the first pic again & John is the second one...

Time is really flying by. Looking at these pictures, I couldn't believe how big Kenny is now. It seems like we just brought him home from the hospital. He is already 4 years old! The same thing is already happening with John! I can't believe it's already been 2 months!! He has his 2-month check-up tomorrow at the pediatrician's office. I'll update everyone with his stats soon!

2 months...

Time is really flying by. John Henry is already 2 months old now. He had a check-up with his pediatrican. He is already 13lbs, 12oz & 24 inches long!! That is between 90-95th percentile for weight & height!! It looks like he is going to be a big boy, just like Kenny :) He also got a clean bill of health...and 2 shots! He took them quite well though.

He has really been smiling a lot lately. He also seems like he wants to laugh at times, but just can't figure out how to get that sound out of his mouth. It's so cute!

Here are a couple of pics we just took last weekend...