Sunday, March 29, 2009

A little of this & that...

We've been busy the last few weekends. Last weekend we went down to Main Street in St. Charles for the Shriner's parade. Aunt Karen joined us...and so did Buster. Kenny wasn't so sure about the clowns...neither were Karen or Buster:) But, we had a good time.

Here is a pic of all 4 of us waiting for the parade to start...

John always enjoys bathtime. We turn on the radio & he loves to just splash around. He's starting to get so big that he'll probably out-grow his sink-bathtub real soon. He'll be taking baths like Kenny before we know it.

Here is a pic of John having fun in the bath...

We got what I hope is the last snow of the season overnight! Kenny build his first real snowman & had a lot of fun playing with Ken outside.

Here is a pic of Kenny & his snowman...

I guess that's all we have for now...Hope you are having a great day!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A little update...

We haven't updated in quite a I thought it was about time. We've been very busy. Life seems to go by so much faster with 2 kids! We have also all been attacked by the same cold. We all seem to be getting better...finally!

The first thing you may notice is some new pictures on the sidebar. We will be taking John's picture every month next to his Horton-elephant for the first year. We did the same thing with Kenny & it was amazing to see how much he grew in just 12 months!

Next, I just have a few pictures I'd like to share...

At school, the kids got to dress up in a costume of the career they wanted when they grew up. On that day, Kenny decided he wanted to be a fireman. It seems to change on a daily basis he says he is going to be a race-car driver:) is a pic of Kenny wearing his fireman uniform:

It was such a beautiful day today that Kenny, Christine & John went for a walk after school. Actually...Christine was the only one walking. Kenny rode his new bike & John rode in the baby carrier. We had a nice time! I'm so ready for spring!!!

Here is Kenny riding his bike...

And, here is a picture of John...just chilling out & enjoying some sunshine... my 'little update' has turned into a pretty long post. Congratulations if you made it all the way to the end!