Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy 5th Birthday Kenny!

My first sweet & precious!

Mommy & Daddy love you so much! We cannot believe how fast the last 5 years have flown by. You are getting so big & grown up! We are so proud of you!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

We had a fun Halloween last night. We spent most of the evening at Ken's parents house.

First, we had to get some pictures on our front porch. Here is one of both boys. Kenny was a race-car driver & John was a pumpkin...

Here is a good close-up of John...

Then we headed over to Ken's parents house. Kenny tested out his race car driver costume with his Big-Wheel...

We had a little bon-fire that kept us nice & warm...

John made a few trick-or-treat stops...and Kenny made a LOT of trick-or-treat stops. He really enjoyed himself this year & got way too much candy.