Sunday, December 5, 2010

November 2010

We've been busy over the last month! And as usual, I have plenty of pictures to prove it.

First, we celebrated Kenny's 6th Birthday. Party#1 was one with all of his friends from kindergarten & daycare. We had 20 kids at our house! It was crazy! He wanted a soccer we had soccer games, a soccer pinata & a soccer-field cake.
Kenny blows out the candles on his soccer cake!
Then, just a few days later Kenny lost his first tooth! Tooth #2 came out recently as well. He was so excited when the Tooth Fairy stopped by & left a golden dollar!
Tooth #1 is gone!
The next weekend we had family over to celebrate both boys' birthdays...since they are just a few weeks apart. It was so nice to see everyone! As usual, they were spoiled rotten & got all sorts of fun toys!
John enjoys some birthday cake!
Then, for Thanksgiving weekend, we went to visit some of the Young family in Indianapolis. We had such a nice time eating turkey with Aunt Lois, Uncle Joe, Aaron & his family! It was clear to us that Grandma Young passed along her great cooking skills to Aunt Lois! It was so yummy!!

The day after Thanksgiving, we paid a visit to the Children's Museum. It was so much fun! The boys were excited to see Santa & give him a few gift ideas for this year!
Kenny, Santa & John
Then, Friday evening, we went downtown for the Circle of Lights. It was their own tree lighting ceremony. It was SUPER cold, but both boys stuck it out. We had a great time!
John says CHEESE!!
Kenny smiles for the camera!
Before we left, we had one more visit with Aunt Lois...and realized we completely forgot to get a good pic on Thanksgiving! So we took a quick pic before hitting the road.  
Kenny, Christine, John & Lois
Aunt Lois was such a wonderful hostess! The food was delicious & she even sent us home with a few treats!

So...November was busy & I expect December to the same!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Halloween 2010

The boys had a great Halloween!

First, we had the mandatory photo-shoot on the front-porch. Kenny was Anakin Skywalker & John was Woody the Cowboy:) Both costumes came complete with their own weapons.

We then made our way over to MawMaw & PaPa's house for trick-or-treating! This nice lady was there to greet us...and all the other trick-or-treaters that night:)

And...a pic of the boys walking up to the first of many houses that night...
They got plenty of candy...maybe enough to share with Mom & Dad:)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fall Fun!

Last weekend, we had perfect Fall weather! It was so nice. We spent a lot of time outdoors, soaking it all in!

First, we made our way to the pumpkin patch. And I learned that it's almost impossible to get a good picture of two children looking at you at the same time!
  And then finally...SUCCESS!

Later in the day, we headed over to Ken's parent's house for their annual bonfire. We got there a little early, so the boys played a bit outside...waiting for the sun to go down & for the fire to get started.
 Then, it was finally time! Look at the beautiful fire!
 Snack time!! We enjoyed yummy hot dogs & roasted marshmallows!
We have a few more Halloween events in the next week or so! More pictures to come:)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Happy Grandparents Day!

We had the pleasure in celebrating Grandparents Day yesterday with Grandma Fehrmann at her retirement community. There were all sorts of games & fun things to do. We all had a great time!!
Great-Grandma & her boys
John shows off his Fire Truck tattoo!
Grandma gets silly!!
Grandma shows off her awesome Wii Bowling skills!
We finished up the day with a yummy ice cream!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Let's give this another try...

You may have has been a REALLY long time since our last post. About the time of the last post, we discovered the world of Facebook. At that point, we thought we could update things there & wouldn't need to do it here as well. That was all until about a week ago. I was feeling a little nostalgic & pulled up the blog...reading through many of the posts. It was then I realized that the blog was sort of acting like a journal. I had all sorts of memories & thoughts written down...along with pictures.

So, in an effort to keep a written memory of our family life...I have decided to get back into the blogging world again. Maybe no one will ever read it...but at the very least I will have a written record for my kids someday.

In an effort to catch everyone up to speed...

  • Kenny has officially started school this year. His is attending all-day kindergarten. He has a great teacher & he seems to be liking things so far! Here is a picture of Kenny...taken on his first day of school a couple of weeks ago!

  • John is going through a phase of rapid development. His speech really has taken out...he will repeat anything you say! He loves to cuddle with his stuffed animals. I think he has an entire zoo in his crib every night when he goes to bed! And, don't want to leave him is a recent pic of John as well...

Like I said...I have no idea if anyone will actually have a desire to read my posts, but I do plan on updating as things happen. Ideally, I will post at least once a month.